Orijinal Ton: C | Am
Kapo: 0
Calling in your love
Calling in your love
G Fmaj7
It's time for something
I was in for long
E7/G# G Fmaj7
I was in for long at night for something
We're on the borderline
E7/G# G Fmaj7
On the borrowed time, we've wasted one day
Possibly a sign
E7/G# G Fmaj7
I'm gonna have a strangest night on Sunday
Am E7/G#
There I go
G Fmaj7
Quite a show for a loner in A
Am E7/G# G
Asking how I managed to end up in this place
And I couldn't get away
On the borderline
E7/G# G Fmaj7
Right between the tides of pain and rapture
Am E7/G# G
Then I saw the time, watched it speeding by like a train
Like a train
Am E7/G# G Fmaj7
Am G Fmaj7 Dm7
Am E7/G#
Will I be known and loved
G Fmaj7
Is there one that I trust
Am G
Starting to sober up
Fmaj7 Dm7
Has it been long enough
Am E7/G#
Will I be known and loved
G Fmaj7
Close enough, close enough
Am G
I'm a loser, loosen up
Fmaj7 Dm7
Set it free, must be tough
Am E7/G#
Will I be known and loved
G Fmaj7
Is there one that I trust
Am G
If there's room, room for doubt
Fmaj7 Dm7
As within, as without
Am E7/G#
Will I be known and loved
G Fmaj7
Gettin' closer, it's close enough
Am G
Shout out to what is done
Fmaj7 Dm7
RIP, here comes the sun
Am E7/G# G Fmaj7
Calling in your love
Calling in your love
G Fmaj7
Inside for something
Can we go outside
E7/G# G Fmaj7
Need to vitalize and wait for something
Do you see the light
E7/G# G Fmaj7
Do you wonder why they ain't responding
As we go inside, oh
E7/G# G
As we go inside, oh, no
And I couldn't get away
We're on the borderline
Gets me every time
G Fmaj7
These close encounters
Just to know I can
E7/G# G E7/G#
Once again I am alone
Am E7/G#
Will I be known and loved
G Fmaj7
Is there one that I trust
Am G
Starting to sober up
Fmaj7 Dm7
Has it been long enough
Am E7/G#
Will I be known and loved
G Fmaj7
Gettin' closer, close enough
Am G
I'm a loser, loosen up
Fmaj7 Dm7
Set it free, must be tough
Am E7/G#
Will I be known and loved
G Fmaj7
Is there one that I trust
Am G
If there's room, room for doubt
Fmaj7 Dm7
As within, as without
Am E7/G#
Will I be known and loved
G Fmaj7
Gettin' closer, it's close enough
Am G
Shout out to what is done
Fmaj7 Dm7
RIP, here comes the sun
Tame Impala - Borderline Tabları
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