Orijinal Ton: G | Em
Kapo: 0
G Em Bbmaj7
This could be the day that we push through
Am Eb Ab G
It could be the day that all our dreams come true
Em Bbmaj7
For me and you
Am Eb Ab Gb
Til we're at the end of just another day
G Em Bbmaj7
Are you too terrified to try your best
Am Eb Ab G
Just to end up with an educated guess
Am Eb Ab
Like those times you wake up mystified
G Em Bbmaj7
Oh, it feels so real in my sleep
Am Eb Ab G
never had something so close I couldn't keep
Em Bbmaj7
Into the day, the strangest feeling
Am Eb Ab
Do you really live without the fear
Gb Eb
Everything is changin'
Ebmaj7 Gb Eb
And there's nothing I can do
Gb Eb
My world is turning pages
Ebmaj7 Gb
While I am just sitting here
Em Bbmaj7
Am I getting closer
Am Eb
Will I ever get there
Ab G
Does it even matter
Em Bbmaj7
Do I really need it
Am Eb
Push it out the window
Ab G
On and on we all go.
Em Bbmaj7
Did I ever want it
C Eb
Does it really matter
Ab G
It was only yesterday
Em Bbmaj7
Didn't even know you
Am Eb
Now I'm gonna miss you
Gb Eb
Nothing ever changes
Gb Eb Ebmaj7
No matter how long you do your hair
Looks the same to everyone else
Gb Eb
Everything is changin'
Gb Eb Ebmaj7
I guess I should warn my mom
But she'll just be excited
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