Dm A
You could be the one in my dreams, you could be much more than you seem
Anything I wanted in life, do you understand what I mean
I can see that this could be faith, I can love you more than they hate
Doesn't matter who they will blame, we can beat them at their own game
Dm A Dm
I can see it in your eyes, it doesn't count as a surprise
A Dm
I see you dancing like a star, no matter how different we are
Dm C Gm Bb C
For all this time I've been loving you, don't even know your name
Dm C Gm Bb C Dm
For just one night, we could be the same, no matter what they say
Dm A
And I feel I'm turning the page, and I feel the world is a stage
I don't think that drama will stop, I don't think they'll give up the rage
But I know the world could be great, I can love you more than they hate
Doesn't matter who they will blame, we can beat them at their own game
Bu içerik için hata bildir.
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