Orijinal Ton: C | Am
Kapo: 0
C Am F
Oh, my love, my darling
G7 C Am G G7
I've hungered for your touch, a long lonely time
C Am F G7 C
And time goes by, so slowly and time can do so much
Am G G7
Are you, still mine
C G7 Ab Am Em
I need your love, I need your love
F G7 C C7
God speed your love to me
F G F Eb
Lonely rivers flow to the sea, to the sea
F G C C7
To the open arms of the sea
F G F Eb
Lonely rivers cry, wait for me, wait for me
F G7 C
I'll be coming home, wait for me
Am F G7 C
Oh, my love, my darling, I've hungered for your touch
Am G G7
A long, lonely time
C Am F G7 C
And time goes by so slowly And time can do so much
Am G G7
Are you still mine
C G Ab Am Em
I need your love, I need your love
F G7 C Am F Fm C
God speed your love to me
Elvis Presley - Unchained Melody Tabları
Elvis Presley - Unchained Melody Akorlarının Ukulele Tab Gösterimleri
Elvis Presley - Unchained Melody Akorlarının Piyano Gösterimleri
Elvis Presley - Unchained Melody Akorlarının Tab Gösterimleri
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