I've been roamin' around
Em F
Always lookin' down at all I see
C Em F
Painted faces fill the places I can’t reach
Am C F
You know that I could use somebody
Am C F
You know that I could use somebody
C Em
Someone like you, and all you know
And how you speak
C Em F
Countless lovers undercover on the street
Am C F
You know that I could use somebody
Am C F
Yeah, you know that I could use somebody
C Em F
Someone like you
C Em F
Someone like you
C Em F
Someone like you
Am Em F
C Em
Off in the night, while you live it up
I'm off to sleep
C Em F
Wagin' wars to shape the poet and the beat
Am C F
I hope it's gonna make you notice
Am C F
I hope it's gonna make you notice
C Em F
Someone like me
C Em F
Someone like me
C Em F
Someone like me
Am C F
You know that I could use somebody
I've been roamin' around
Em F
Always lookin' down at all I see
Bu içerik için hata bildir.
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