
Madonna - Nothing Fails - Akor

Orijinal Ton: G | Em Kapo: 0
Em D C G 

       Em             D
I'm in love with you, you silly thing
C          G
Anyone can see
        Em           D
What is it with you, you silly thing
C                 G
Just take it from me

It was not a chance meeting
Feel my heart beating
C          G
You're the one

Em  D  C  G

          Em             D
You could take all this, take it away
C                 G
I'd still have it all
'Cause I've climbed the tree of life,
And that is why
C                     G
No longer scared if I fall

When I get lost in space
I can return to this place
C                  G
'Cause, you're the one

Em                D
Nothing fails  /  No more fears
C                 G
Nothing fails  /  You washed away my tears
Em                D
Nothing fails  /  No more fears
C                 G
Nothing fails  /  Nothing fails

Em                    D
I'm not religious  /  But I feel so moved
C                         G
Makes me want to pray  /  Pray you'll always be here
Em                     D
I'm not religious  /   But I feel such love
Makes me want to pray

When I get lost in space
I can return to this place
       C          G
'Cause you're the one

Em  D  C  G

Madonna - Nothing Fails Tabları


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Madonna Akorlar

G - Em Tonunda Rastgele Akorlar