Orijinal Ton: Bb | A# | Gm
Kapo: 0
Gm Cm F Bb
Gm Cm
Hey baby, baby
F Bb
Your heart's too big to be treated small
Gm Cm
So please don't blame me, blame me
F Bb
For trying to be the one who could have it all
Gm Cm
You know that it's stupid, stupid
F Bb
Telling you it's dark when you see the light
Gm Cm
And I know you ain't foolish, foolish
F Bb
Just give me one chance, I could treat you right
So I said
Gm Cm F Bb
Will I ever be too far away when you feel alone? (No way, no)
Gm Cm F Bb
Will I ever back down my sword to protect our home? (No way, no)
Gm Cm F Bb
Will I ever spend a day not telling you you're beautiful? (No way, no)
Gm Cm F Bb
No way, no way, no (No way, no way, no)
Gm Cm
My sister, sister
F Bb
Told me that if love ever hits your eyes
Gm Cm
I promise you'll miss her, miss her
F Bb
The second that she walks right out your sight
Gm Cm
So we should just do it
F Bb
Cause I don't wanna risk her being right
Gm Cm
Let's not be be foolish
F Bb
Don't you know that family never lies?
I promise that
Gm Cm F Bb
Will I ever be too far away when you feel alone? (No way, no)
Gm Cm F Bb
Will I ever back down my sword to protect our home? (No way, no)
Gm Cm F Bb
Will I ever spend a day not telling you you're beautiful? (No way, no)
Gm Cm F Bb
No way, no way, no (No way, no way, no)
Gm Cm F Bb
No way, no way, no
Gm Cm F Bb
Gm Cm
Hey lady, lady
F Bb
Life's too short to be waiting long
Gm Cm
So let's not waste it, waste it
F Bb
When we both know you're the one
Gm Cm F Bb
Will I ever be too far away when you feel alone?
Gm Cm F Bb
Will I ever back down my sword to protect our home?
Gm Cm F Bb
Will I ever spend a day not telling you you're beautiful?
Gm Cm F Bb
No way, no way, no
Gm Cm F Bb
No way, no way, no
Magic - No Way No Tabları
Magic - No Way No Akorlarının Ukulele Tab Gösterimleri
Magic - No Way No Akorlarının Piyano Gösterimleri
Magic - No Way No Akorlarının Tab Gösterimleri
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