Orijinal Ton: G | Em
Kapo: 0
Em G
Em G
Here I go out to sea again
The sunshine fills my hair
and dreams hang in the air
Em G
Gulls in the sky and in my blue eyes
You know it feels unfair
There's magic everywhere
Em Am
Look at me standing
Em Am
Here on my own again
Em G Am
Up straight in the sunshine
Em G
No need to run and hide
G Am D
It's a wonderful, wonderful life
Em G
No need to laugh and cry
G Am D
It's a wonderful, wonderful life
The sun's in your eyes,
the heat is in your hair
They seem to hate you
Because you're there
Em G
And I need a friend, oh I need a friend
to make me happy
Not stand there on my own
Em Am
Look at me standing
Em Am
Here on my own again
Em G Am
Up straight in the sunshine
Em G
No need to run and hide
G Am D
It's a wonderful, wonderful life
Em G
No need to laugh and cry
G Am D
It's a wonderful, wonderful life
Em G
I need a friend, oh I need a friend
to make me happy
Not so alone
Em Am
Look at me standing
Em Am
Here on my own again
Em G Am
Up straight in the sunshine
Em G
No need to run and hide
G Am D
It's a wonderful, wonderful life
Em G
No need to laugh and cry
G Am D
It's a wonderful, wonderful life
Black - Wonderful Life Tabları
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