Gm F C C F F Bb A Dm Gm C Bb
F Dm
Bring out the charge of the love brigade
Gm C
There is spring in the air once again
F Dm F
Dring to the sound of the song parade
Bb Gm
There is music and love eveywhere
Gm C
Give a little love (love) to me, I want it
Gm C
Take a little love (love) from me
I wanna share it with you
F Bb A Dm Gm C Bb
I feel like a millionaire
Once we were mad, we were happy we spent all our days
Bb F Dm C Bb A
holding hands together, do you remeember, my love
How we danced
A Dm A
And played, in the rain we laid
Dm G
We could stay there
Forever and ever
Fm C Ab Db
Now I am sad, you are so far away, I sit counting the hours day by day
Db Cm Bbm Fm Cm Fm Cm
Come back to me how I long for your love, come back to me
Fm Eb Eb
Be happy like we used to be
Fm C F Bb Bb Eb Bb
Bb Eb Bb Eb
Come back, come back to me, come back, come back to me
G Cm Gbdim Eb
Bu içerik için hata bildir.
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