Orijinal Ton: D | Bm
Kapo: 0
Bm G A F#m
Bm G
There's something shifting in the air
A F#m
If I'm not mistaken
Bm G
The dust is clearing everywhere
A F#m
Memories awaken
Bm G
My feet on the runway
A F#m
It's a beautiful day
Bm G
I look to the sky now
A F#m
I'm finding my way
Bm G
I'm flying on my oooown
A F#m
On the wings of your love
Bm G
I'm flying on my oooown
A F#m
On the wings of your love
Bm G A F#m
I'm flying on my oooown (on the wings of your love)
Bm G A F#m
I'm flying on my oooown (on the wings of your love)
Bm G
The warmer winds will carry me
A F#m
Anywhere I want them to
Bm G
If you could see what I can see
A F#m
That nothing's blocking my view
Bm G
I look to the sky now
A F#m
It's a beautiful day
Bm G
I'm flying on my oooown
A F#m
On the wings of your love
Bm G
I'm flying on my oooown
A F#m
On the wings of your love
Bm G A F#m
I'm flying on my oooown (on the wings of your love)
Bm G A F#m
I'm flying on my oooown (on the wings of your love)
I'm free like an eagle
Soar like an eagle
A F#m
Sailing the winds of change
Bm G
On the winds of change
A F#m
On the winds of change
Bm G
My feet on the runway
A F#m
It's a beautiful day
Bm G
I look to the sky now
A F#m
I'm finding my way
Bm G A F#m
I'm flying on my oooown (on the wings of your love)
Bm G A F#m
I'm flying on my oooown (on the wings of your love)
Bm G
I'm flying on my, flying on my, flying on my own
A F#m
Flying on my own, baby
Bm G
I'm flying on my, flying on my, flying on my own
A F#m
Flying on my own, baby
Celine Dion - Flying On My Own Tabları
Celine Dion - Flying On My Own Akorlarının Ukulele Tab Gösterimleri
Celine Dion - Flying On My Own Akorlarının Piyano Gösterimleri
Celine Dion - Flying On My Own Akorlarının Tab Gösterimleri
Bu içerik için hata bildir.
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