Am G D
This guy was ment for me
Am G D
And I was ment for him
Am G D
This guy was drempt for me
Am G D
And I was drempt for him
Am G D
This guy has danced for me
Am G D
And I have danced for him
Am G D
This guy has cried for me
Am G D
And I have cried for him
Am G D
Many miles, many roads I have traveled
Am G D
Fallen down on the way
Am G D
Many hearts, many years have unraveled
Am G D
Leading up to today
Am G D
This guy has prayed for me
Am G D
And I have prayed for him
Am G D
This guy was made for me
Am G D
And I was made for him
Am G
I have no regrets
There's nothing to forget
Am G D
All the pain was worth it
Am G
Not running from the past
I tried to do what's best
Am G D
You know that I deserve it
Bu içerik için hata bildir.
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