Orijinal Ton: A | Gbm | F#m
Kapo: 0
A A A/F# F#m Dadd9 A
A A/F# F#m
White lips, pale face, breathing in snowflakes
Dadd9 A B7sus4
Burnt lungs, sour taste
A A/F# F#m
Light’s gone, day’s end, struggling to pay rent
Dadd9 A
Long nights, strange men
Bm7 D A
And they say she’s in the Class A Team, stuck in her daydream
E/F# Bm7 D
Been this way since 18, but lately her face seems, slowly sinking, wasting
A E/F#
Crumbling like pastries, and they scream the worst things in life come free to us
F#m Dadd9 A
Cos she's just under the upperhand, and go mad for a couple of grams
F#m Dadd9 A
And she don’t want to go outside tonight
F#m Dadd9 A
And in a pipe she flies to the Motherland, or sells love to another man
F#m Dadd9 A E/F# F#m Dadd9 A
It’s too cold outside for angels to fly,
F#m Dadd9 A A/F#
for angels to fly
A A/F# F#m
Ripped gloves, raincoat, tried to swim and stay afloat
Dadd9 A B7sus4
Dry house, wet clothes
A A/F# F#m
Loose change, bank notes, weary-eyed, dry throat
Dadd9 A
Call girl, no phone
Bm7 D A
And they say she’s in the Class A Team, stuck in her daydream
E/F# Bm7 D
Been this way since 18, but lately her face seems, slowly sinking, wasting
A E/F#
Crumbling like pastries, and they scream the worst things in life come free to us
F#m Dadd9 A
Cos she's just under the upperhand, and go mad for a couple of grams
F#m Dadd9 A
And she don’t want to go outside tonight
F#m Dadd9 A
And in a pipe she flies to the Motherland, or sells love to another man
F#m Dadd9 A E/F# Bm7
It’s too cold outside for angels to fly
Bm7 D F#m
An angel will die, covered in white
A/F# A
Closed eye and hoping for a better life
Bm7 D Eadd4 F#m D A E/F#
This time, we’ll fade out tonight, straight down the line
F#m D A E/F#
Straight down the line
Bm7 D A
And they say she’s in the Class A Team, stuck in her daydream
E/F# Bm7 D
Been this way since 18, but lately her face seems, slowly sinking, wasting
A E/F#
Crumbling like pastries, and they scream the worst things in life come free to us
F#m Dadd9 A
And we're all under the upperhand, and go mad for a couple of grams
F#m Dadd9 A
And we don’t want to go outside tonight
F#m Dadd9 A
And in a pipe we'll fly to the Motherland, or sell love to another man
F#m Dadd9 A E/F# F#m Dadd9 A
It’s too cold outside for angels to fly,
F#m Dadd9 A A/F#
for angels to flyyyyy
F#m Dadd9 A A/F# F#m Dadd9 A
Flyyyy, flyyyyyy, angels to fly, fly, flyyy
E/F# A
Or angels to die
Ed Sheeran - The A Team Tabları
Ed Sheeran - The A Team Akorlarının Ukulele Tab Gösterimleri
Ed Sheeran - The A Team Akorlarının Piyano Gösterimleri
Ed Sheeran - The A Team Akorlarının Tab Gösterimleri
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